How to become a photographer in bitlife. [deleted] • 1 yr. How to become a photographer in bitlife

 [deleted] • 1 yrHow to become a photographer in bitlife  Make sure to maintain this skill level moving forward

Age up to 8 years old and do some running. Good stats (especially the “smarts” stat is important for becoming a pilot). Add a Comment. First, start with a character that has at least around 80% Smarts. Since the monk position is very low-paying to start, you’ll. Take care of. . Other stats like Smarts do not matter. BitLife's latest challenges for this week are live and fans are quite curious to learn more about them. . Gotta Look the Part. Firstly, you must. Once you have a character with decent Looks and Smarts, follow these steps to become a billionaire: Age up till eight and enroll for Acting Classes through the Mind and Body tab under Activities. The answer to this question is you need to get into the fire department career to become Fire Chief. You have to become an extra first. Update – In the latest version of the game, Social Media access is under the assets menu. You have to make an account from the Activities > Social tab. Being born or marrying into royalty. How to Become a Singer on BitLife. Certain careers pay more than others but normally require a greater level of education and certain schooling. Pass the interview and work as a brain surgeon for 20 consecutive years to get career achievement. To start your journey as a model in BitLife, you need to create a character with the right attributes. To kick things off, you’ll need to take vocal lessons whenever you can. One component to this is social media. The requirements for becoming a monk are fairly simple; You must be male. Read more: Our BitLife prison escape guide. To get this job, you need to have a few stats pretty high. Step 7: Drop a Song or Album. Become a chef. In order to become one, you will need to have a person that is at least 12-years-old. Go to college and then become a politician. Step Three – Become a Pop Star. Becoming a Librarian Takes a Few Steps. Star in commercials. Get a degree and apply for a pilot license. These are the two requirements that you must meet to become an Archaeologist, which is one of the 146 careers in BitLife – Life Simulator. How to Become Astronaut & Join NASA in Bitlife. Work Hard and keep your Looks state above 90%. The starting salary might be around $15,000 to $20,000. To get into any of these schools, you're going to need to do some basic things. 4. Have 20+ babies during your reign. To become eligible for your pilot’s license, you need to attend university and take 40 hours of flight school. They have four stats: relationship, looks, strictness, and popularity. Go through school and be as smart as possible. There are three main ways you can become royalty in BitLife: Use God Mode to choose your royal status when creating a new character. . Own a 100-year-old haunted hous. The first step toward becoming a Monk is to create a male character in BitLife. And when your business becomes very popular, you can sell it and earn a Trillion or even a couple, and become a Trillionaire in BitLife. If you plan to run for the school board, it's recommended you have at least $20,000 saved to spend on your campaign. Alternatively, you can choose to. Choose a political job in your country. If you do not have these attributes, we recommend rerolling which is basically restarting the game until you get a character with over 80% looks. Age up your character until they turn 18 years old. Instead, the job is listed as the “Exotic Dancer” position under the full-time job listings. Achieve 100% fame. Af. You can join them all, or you can focus on one of them. Some of the faculty members may come from foreign countries, just like classmates. Minimum intelligence of at least 45%, depending on which degree applied. The super fun life simulators by Candywriter. Best. For the Ghostbusters Challenge in the past and the current Demon Slayer Challenge, you are required to become an. Step 3: Boost Voice Skills. This can be done by reading, an activity that can be accessed through the Mind. This means that you should be good to parents, have integrity during school (do not let your friends. In order to get a raise and hence promotion, keep on working hard and a raise will be on the way. You can also try the date option under the Love tab and hope to run into someone. BitLife: Music Lessons. Then you need to quickly rise as Queen of England. (Yes theres boxing and MMA in school) 2. How to become a musician in Bitlife? Playing an instrument is the first stage towards becoming a well-known musician. When you create a new character, age up until they turn 18. 1. At this point, you should have a high looks rating and a modest social media following. Do Commercials. Get a tan either in a tanning bed or spray tan. Players that want to become a Dentist in BitLife should begin by creating a character with a high Smarts stat. Now you can apply for the Dental. As soon as you reach the age of six, hit this very hard and try to max it out as fast as possible for the best results. Becoming a famous celebrity chef. Here are some things you need to consider doing as you seek the presidency: Choose a country that holds elections. In the initial phase, you will start your job with a fishery company. Voice lessons cost $500, making it a wise investment in your early years if you want to become a singer. In today's video, I'll be showing you an in-depth tutoria. Keep restarting until you get a character with looks a looks stat of over 85. Once you are popular enough on your social media sites, you can get promotions that pay up to $1 million per post. midnightpmaster • 1 yr. You will now have a popularity meter under looks. To become a successful model, you’re going to have to be attractive, naturally. Read further to find out how to achieve just that. When you create a new character, age up until they turn 18. Once your character has graduated from secondary school, you will be given the option to apply to university, look for a job, or. Over the years they will increase and decrease so you'll need to go to the gym. Do that every year. As you keep working as a Jr. Accountant is one of the 146 Careers featured in BitLife. Tap the occupation button -> Jobs -> apply for Brain Surgeon. Assuming you stay out of trouble and have at least $500 million to spend on your presidential campaign. How to Become a Model in BitLife. ago. Bitizenship is a premium membership that costs real money and unlocks special benefits to BitLife. You can create a character with high smarts by re-rolling. The first step toward becoming a Marine Biologist is to put some effort toward maintaining a high Smarts skill. One of the main requirements to get approved for a chef job in a Restaurant is to have 3 years of experience. Apply for the job and crack the interview to get the job. Working as a Porn Actor, in specific, is one way in which you can become a celebrity in the BitLife universe. Obviously, the correct choice is higher education. 1 day ago · Finally, you need to purchase a mansion or similar home, but you have to live in it while still being a model. How to Become PPresident in BitLife? BitLife is a game where you can live the life of your dreams and if you want to be president of BitLife, you will have to do it right. Here are the steps you need to follow to become a Marriage counselor. To gain this, look for a Junior Associate or Law Clerk in the full-time job listings. Consider the following tips: Socialize: Attend parties, events, and. To become a Professor in Bitlife, you must start by creating a character and aging them up. Like the Hollywood career path, it's also not guaranteed to go well in each of your lives, as these careers can be very volatile. A. ago. To become a rapper in BitLife, you will need to have some exceptional musical talent from a young age. Once you graduate from university, you will be given 3 options: look for a job, seek higher education or take a rest. Before becoming a brain surgeon, your character must go to medical school. The hardest part is stepping over that million mark and finally reaching one billion. “If this is what you feel you always wanted to do then do it. High smarts also go a long way; studios want more than. Impale three people. Get a good start. To complete the Rising Star Challenge in BitLife, players will need to achieve the following main objectives: Become a famous Porn Star. . Photographer. Becoming a Famous Singer in BitLife. Create a Youtube channel when you turn 13 years old. Screenshot by Pro Game Guides. 1. Faculty Staff. To become a veterinarian, you will need to acquire the right education. Soon, you will start getting promotions one after the other in the same company, or apply for a higher position in a different company. How to complete the K-Pop Challenge in BitLife. After graduating high school, you can choose. You won't get paid much at the start, but as you get more and more famous you can get paid over $3 million per commercial. You can purchase a run-down house, renovate it, and sell it on for a profit. Focus on a market with high demand and low. Smarts are also very important, so go to the library and. Another option is to purchase the Hollywood Star item from the BitLife marketplace, bypassing this entire process and becoming famous immediately. If they’re too low, then you might want to. Apply to become a monk at. Apply for one of these roles and pass the interview. 9. BitLife is a video game that gives you the option to follow your dreams or take on new ones. Read on and check out this BitLife – Life Simulator walkthrough guide to become an Architect. Any sports activities that are available in school that can leads to a career. When you launch the game, you get the option to select your name, age, country, and gender. To become an animator in Bitlife, you will have to study Arts at the university. Work hard each year to maximize your ability to get a promotion, and you will eventually reach the apex of each career. Have a son named. Inheritance money. To become a world-famous Astronaut in BitLife, players must complete the Astronaut training program. To become a model in BitLife, you will just need to graduate High School and have a high looks stat. You can also set prices for your products and sell them through the platform’s marketplace. Find the Exorcist job under the job tab. After your character. You may also get a notification about it so go ahead with that. Take lots of photos. Becoming a famous writer. You cannot be too old, or you won't have enough time to. Scroll down until you find Foot Model. The site MakeLoveNotPorn. To become a stockbroker in BitLife, you must have a university degree. How to be a Model in BitLife. Here are all the requirements that you will have to fulfil to complete this challenge: Be born in Korea. You have to do four tasks to complete Queen Mother Challenge in BitLife: Be born a female in England. First of all, try to keep your smarts level high as soon as you create your character. Health and Fitness: Maintain a healthy lifestyle by exercising regularly, maintaining a balanced diet. How to Become a Pro Basketball Player in BitLife. Image via Candywriter. Supervisors appreciate the extra hours put in, which leads to promotions. So you need to be born a princess in England or marry a person from the Royal family. When you start your character, make sure you. Getting hired for the “pilot trainee” job. Doctor: Become a doctor. Without a Bitizen membership, the option to run for. However, it should be noted that your average burglar or car thief won't ever become a BitLife informant. Related: Setting Goals To Improve Your Career. Article continues below advertisement. If you want to change careers but stay in a similar field, you can also pursue a job as a Judge once you have at least 30 years of experience. You can become an Astronaut by following a fixed career path. As a child, make sure your character is smart and has high grades so you can qualify for University. When you’re creating a new life keep an eye on your stats, namely your looks. BitLife Simulator: Tips to become an Army Officer and Army Enlistee. Read more: Over on our BitLife prison escape guide. ago. Under activities, you will now find a “fame” category where you can increase your. All you need to do is get a degree from the medical school and then apply for the doctor post in one of the job listings. ago. As you age up your character, maintain high smarts stats by going to the public library and reading books.