Crosspointe biker church. Home Sermons Marriage. Crosspointe biker church

 Home Sermons MarriageCrosspointe biker church  2 Timothy

comCrosspointe is blessed with an outstanding church building where we conduct our services, classes, Bible Studies, nursery, and support groups. Home Sermons 2022 December. With practical applications for daily living, these 4 classic episodes with relevant scriptures are for you. Pick the method that works best for you. comSunday @ 10am Check events and calendar for weekly groups and classes. Instagram: Crosspointe Instagram Page. Posts; Categories 2018 8; 2019 1; Active Shooter Training 1; Announcements 1; Bike. (765) 265-7751 pastor @crosspointebikerchurch. January 24, 2021. Our Sunday services are streamed live at 9:00 am and 11:00 am on our Facebook page: Crosspointe Facebook Page. The devil will not come to you as an ugly, evil substance, he will be a beautiful person, place, or thing. Attitude, Fear, Priority, Tension. comCrosspointe Biker Church New Here. Home Sermons Leadership. Biblical Preaching Pastor Chris provides practical teaching and preaching of God’s Word (this Manual) that engages people across a wide spectrum of backgrounds, ages, and lives. M. comSunday @ 10am Check events and calendar for weekly groups and classes. 30 cents. Sunday @ 10am Check events and calendar for weekly groups and classes. Home Sermons Soul Mate. comGuest Speaker Kevin Harris brings the message, “Distraction. Your habits equal your heart. ” Today’s Scriptures. Sermons on Family. Your habits equal your heart. comSunday @ 10am Check events and calendar for weekly groups and classes. Thank you and have a blessed day!Crosspointe provides funeral services and banquet style meals for people in our community that have lost a loved one. As leaders, we can’t drag our feet when God is speaking. All are welcomed!ReCharge Grace Groups @ Crosspointe Biker Church January 18 – March 8, 2023 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm Classes, Men's, Women's; Living and Family Grace Groups . comYour one another’s matter. Book Index; Sermon Speakers. Only members can see who's in the group and what they post. May 15 – Sep 25, 2023 Crosspointe Biker Church. Anyone can find this group. July 3, 2023 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm. Crosspointe has a big bus, church van, trailers, and on occasion folks needing some work done. comChurch Events 6; Community 7; Easter Egg Hunt 2; Hog Roast 1; Kids 2; Laser Tag 1; Men's Small Groups 1; Ministries 1; Pastor Chris 2; Rider Training 1; Skating 1; Small Groups 1; Teen 2; Website 1; Women's Small Groups 1Sermons from August 2021. Listen to sermons on SoundCloud: Crosspointe SoundCloud Page. (765) 265-7751 pastor @crosspointebikerchurch. We invite you to experience the loving fel All Videos 1:00 Hurricane. About Us; Where We Meet; What to Expect; What We Believe; Sunday Worship ExperienceSermons from July 2022. comCrosspointe Biker Church New Here. Our Sunday services are streamed live at 9:00 am and 11:00 am on our Facebook page: Crosspointe Facebook Page Instagram: Crosspointe Instagram Page Listen to sermons on SoundCloud: Crosspointe SoundCloud Page Church Calendar:. ly. Crosspointe distributes food to about 100 families each month. 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm. ” Today’s Scriptures Psalms 12:2 Psalms 91:1-6 Psalms 107:20 Sermon Links Our Sunday services are streamed live at 9:00 am and 11:00 am on our Facebook page: Crosspointe Facebook Page Instagram: Crosspointe Instagram Page Listen to sermons on SoundCloud: Crosspointe. comOur Sunday services are streamed live at 9:00 am and 11:00 am on our Facebook page: Crosspointe Facebook Page. Cost: $120/night with 2 Queen beds (2+ in a room – split the cost) $44. (765) 265-7751 pastor @crosspointebikerchurch. If you click the switch, it will turn green, you’re indicating that you would like to set up a recurring donation. 15 But now you must be holy in everything you do, just as God who chose you is holy. 9% + . comSunday @ 10am Check events and calendar for weekly groups and classes. Sermon Outline Guest speaker Troy Caudill brings the message “When God Says No. (765) 265-7751 pastor @crosspointebikerchurch. Sunday @ 10am Check events and calendar for weekly groups and classes. All Sermons; Sermon Topics. Sermons. Dylan and Claire Presson will teach 7th grade thru 12th grade about living a Christian life with games and lessons. America needs a big hug. ” Today’s Scriptures Luke 22:39-47 Hebrews 4:15-16 Hebrews 5:1-2 Sermon Links Our Sunday services are streamed live at 9:00 am and 11:00 am on our Facebook page: Crosspointe Facebook Page Instagram: Crosspointe Instagram Page Listen to sermons on SoundCloud: Crosspointe. M. Jesus doesn’t do things accidentally – He is intentional. Home Sermons Faith. Sunday @ 10am Check events and calendar for weekly groups and classes. About Us; Where We Meet; What to Expect; What We Believe; Sunday Worship Experience; Church Leadership; Sermons. (765) 265-7751 pastor @crosspointebikerchurch. Crosspointe is blessed with a four-acre property and outstanding facility. Crosspointe has provided the capability to give online using a web browser. A bike blessing is prayers for the rider and motorcycle for this riding season,. Next. We do this at no charge, only desiring to serve and show the love of Christ in a practical way. Where We Meet. Additionally, we have a repair shop and office space. comSunday @ 10am Check events and calendar for weekly groups and classes. Crosspointe Biker Church meets every. Home Sermons Fantasy. Crosspointe Biker Church New Here. Today’s Scriptures Psalms 119:112-114 Sermon Links Our Sunday services are streamed live at 9:00 am and 11:00 am on our Facebook page: Crosspointe Facebook Page Instagram: Crosspointe Instagram Page Listen to sermons on. About Us; Where We Meet; What to Expect; What We Believe; Sunday Worship ExperienceSunday @ 10am Check events and calendar for weekly groups and classes. comSermons by Jason Burns. Biker Breakfast Pitch-In! 9:00 am – 10:00 am Today. Come feel the welcoming presence of God. GivingPreach brings the message, “I’m Not Afraid. Home Sermons 2022 August. What to Expect. comSermons from 2018. Sunday @ 10am Check events and calendar for weekly groups and classes. You didn’t know any better then. comSermons on Contentment. God did not create darkness. Sermons; TopicsCrosspointe Biker Church New Here. When God does that work that you are praying for, your growth often comes with opposition and pain. Sermons; TopicsSunday @ 10am Check events and calendar for weekly groups and classes. On the first Sunday of each month, Crosspointe lays out a spread before the service we call, “Biker Breakfast. Anyone can find this group. There is a time for everything. ” Today’s Scriptures Luke 1:26-28 Luke 1:30-31 Luke 1:34-38 Luke 1:39-48 Ephesians 4:1 Galatians 4:19 Sermon Links Our Sunday services are streamed live at 9:00 am and 11:00 am on our Facebook page: Crosspointe Facebook Page Instagram: Crosspointe Instagram Page Listen to. (765) 265-7751. Sunday @ 10am Check events and calendar for weekly groups and classes. Sermons; TopicsCrosspointe Biker Church New Here. (765) 265-7751 pastor @crosspointebikerchurch. To give online, please click “Online Giving” in the below box. Church Calendar: Crosspointe Calendar. March 24 – April 14, 2019 4 Sermons Tell Your Story. 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm Today. Previous. Crosspointe Biker Church meets every Sunday 9:00 am and 11:00 am. 2 Timothy. He is an integral part of the church media team, he records and posts. (765) 265-7751 pastor @crosspointebikerchurch. Biker Breakfast 1; Brianna's Hope 1; Church Event 2; Classes 5; Community 2; Family Fun 1; Food Service 1; Full Throttle 1; Men's 7; Men's Prayer. Calvary, Why Calvary. Be prepared to leave things behind. About Us. comFriday, April 22, 6-8pm. The ministry volunteers meet at 9:30 am on the 2nd Wednesday of each month to unload the Gleaners Truck and pack items for distribution. comSermons from 2020. Use your bait, learn what works, tell your story. . comChurch Events 6; Community 7; Easter Egg Hunt 2; Hog Roast 1; Kids 2; Laser Tag 1; Men's Small Groups 1; Ministries 1; Pastor Chris 2; Rider Training 1; Skating 1; Small Groups 1; Teen 2; Website 1; Women's Small Groups 1With humility and bravery, Dawn Olexey recounts her life story of long-term abuse, neglect, hopelessness, and family struggles & drama that took her to the point of wanting to end her life. Do you have the required mechanical skills to repair and maintain vehicles and see this work as a ministry opportunity to bless others and would. All Sermons; Sermon Topics. Home Sermons Obedience. Home Sermons Family. We had around 150 people come to hear worship led by Undeserved, “It’s Friday, but Sunday’s Coming,” by S. New Here. Instagram: Crosspointe Instagram Page. We want to answer any questions and help you in any way we can. Crosspointe Biker Church New Here. Home Ministries. Sunday @ 10am. Sermons; TopicsSermons on Faith. Home Sermons Loopholes. All Sermons; Sermon Topics. comSunday @ 10am Check events and calendar for weekly groups and classes. Sermons from May 2022. (765) 265-7751 pastor @crosspointebikerchurch. Listen to sermons on SoundCloud: Crosspointe SoundCloud Page. Sermons. They lead the worship experience as Crosspointe. Sunday @ 10am Check events and calendar for weekly groups and classes. There are no events to show. All Ministries; Brianna’s Hope Ministry; Building and Grounds; Children’s. comCrosspointe Biker Church New Here. There are no events to show. Today’s Scriptures: Matthew 26:69-75 . (765) 265-7751 pastor @crosspointebikerchurch. All Sermons; Sermon Topics. If you need a ride, see Larry at Church or call 765-541-2276 and leave a message and your address. comJuly 12, 2022 – June 27, 2023. Sermons; TopicsSermon Links. Sermons on Leadership. Online using Tithe. All welcome to all events, no motorcycle required. About Us; Where We Meet; What to Expect; What We Believe; Sunday Worship Experience; Church Leadership; Sermons. Sunday Worship Experience. (765) 265-7751 pastor @crosspointebikerchurch. Saved means made whole. Home Sermons 2022 January. Additionally, we have a repair shop and office space. comCrosspointe Loves People On Friday, April 19th Crosspointe Biker Church held our first Good Friday communion. Your story is your bait. How many times have you said “I can handle it,” before you can’t?Sermons from April 2022. Sermons; TopicsCrosspointe Biker Church New Here. The Garage is where we experience worship and Biblical Preaching of God’s Word (the Manual). What We Believe. Distribution begins at 3:00 pm and concludes at 5:00 pm. 95 Seniors 60+) (Creation Museum tickets may be ordered online. Our Teen’s go on team building field trips during the year, getting quality time with leadership and friends alike. Crosspointe Biker Church. Those working in the Transportation Ministry are excellent drivers, have good people skills, and love to assist others. Men’s Bible Study Verse. About Us; Where We Meet; What to Expect; What We Believe; Sunday Worship ExperienceFor 2017’s Yearbook we are collecting pictures of church events, rides, gatherings, etc. All welcome, no charge except a smile and a thank you. Listen. Church Events 6; Community 7; Easter Egg Hunt 2; Hog Roast 1; Kids 2; Laser Tag 1; Men's Small Groups 1; Ministries 1; Pastor Chris 2; Rider Training 1; Skating 1; Small Groups 1; Teen 2; Website 1; Women's Small Groups 1On Saturday, June 2, 2018, Crosspointe Biker Church hosted Active Shooter Response training for our church and surrounding churches. Listen to sermons on SoundCloud: Crosspointe SoundCloud Page. We pray for the need and those that are responding on site to the need. We must understand the journey of grace and our body and soul. Visible. Previous. Home Sermons Jason Burns. He also uses his artistic and graphic skills to produce the church’s digital assets such as flyers, posters, and website design and imagery. comSunday @ 10am Check events and calendar for weekly groups and classes. Racism is a heart issue. What to Expect. A Better Life is a free support group where those in attendance will get a home cooked meal each week. Sermons from January 2022. Pastor Chris Lovett. Biker Breakfast 1; Brianna's Hope 1; Church Event 2; Classes 5; Community 2; Family Fun 1; Food Service 1; Full Throttle 1; Men's 7; Men's Prayer. After seeking counsel with Elders from his home in Oklahoma, he his wife Traci, started Crosspointe Biker Church in their basement on December 27, 2009. Fish For Real. Today’s Scriptures Psalms 119:112-114 Sermon Links Our Sunday services are streamed live at 9:00 am and 11:00 am on our Facebook page: Crosspointe Facebook Page Instagram: Crosspointe Instagram Page Listen to sermons on SoundCloud:. Bring your young adults in for lifelong learning that will help them prepare for the world. * Digital Bible: Enter in the passage you want or use quick keys to go directly to the passage you desire to read. Date Index; Month Example; Year Example; Upcoming Events. We believe the Lord forbids homosexual practices and therefore, do not perform same-sex unions nor do we permit these unions to be performed on the premise of Crosspointe Biker Church. The group and meeting are open to the. Our worship band Undeserved, leads our anointed time of praise and intimate worship. ” Today’s Scriptures Mark 10:13-14 Deuteronomy 6:5-9 Luke 15:17-20 Sermon Links Our Sunday services are streamed live at 9:00 am and 11:00 am on our Facebook page: Crosspointe Facebook Page Instagram: Crosspointe Instagram Page Listen to sermons on SoundCloud: Crosspointe SoundCloud Page. Sermons on Our Words. (765) 265-7751 pastor @crosspointebikerchurch. 95 ($39. Sermons; TopicsSermons from December 2022. Sermons; TopicsHospital Visitation is an important outreach at Crosspointe that provides services for the church family, their loved ones and friends, surrounding community, and bikers who go down.