Conservative treehouse sundance. After Joe Biden delivered his speech to the nation claiming no-one saw the collapse of the Afghan government coming, the intel group leak the transcript and recording of a July 23rd phone call between Biden and. Conservative treehouse sundance

 After Joe Biden delivered his speech to the nation claiming no-one saw the collapse of the Afghan government coming, the intel group leak the transcript and recording of a July 23rd phone call between Biden andConservative treehouse sundance ” The intel leak is the operation created by the Intelligence Community to support new expanded powers for the Fourth Branch of

S. October 29, 2021 | Sundance | 347 Comments. All good questions…. The Ring of Truth – “I am too well accustomed to the taking of evidence not to detect the ring of truth. The swamp was as thicker than ever, and when Trump came in he was tasked with staffing literally hundreds of positions. {Direct Rumble Link) During a conference call to explain the corporate intents […]February 23, 2022 | Sundance | 777 Comments. Pilots are pushing back against vaccine mandates; and if you think about the curriculum vitae of a typical pilot, it makes sense. Dave Rubin lets his guest speak without interruption and asks open ended questions that elicit useful information. Earlier today, the Canadian government expressed extreme anger toward any American citizen who may have made a financial contribution to the Freedom Protest. Notice anything? Emphasis mine: “#Durham filing reveals his team learned for first time, this month, the Office of the Inspector General had TWO cellphones for former FBI General Counsel who is central witness in Sussmann case, “the Government has been working diligently to review their […]If you have followed the natural progression of things…. March 1, 2023 3:43 pm 2. I want my country back. So it doesn’t come as a surprise to see Jeff Roe now working for Ron DeSantis and deploying his bag of dirty campaign tricks. Steven Crowder is a smart and witty voice, generally a happy warrior who has been in the battle against the cultural and political progressive movement for over a decade. Doing the math, that’s over a million small donors, average Americans, supporting President Trump. He is trying to explain "Obamagate" to me, however, he has only sent me articles by The Conservative Treehouse. ~ Sundance. Thus, a collaborative effort to financially subsidize the underlying data processing fits the mutual benefit scenario. And, Samantha Power works for the U. Yaccarino is the head of NBCUniversal Advertising and Partnerships [Example Here], and she is the tip of the spear in the creation of DEI. Sunlight is the best disinfectant. About Us Our Mission at The Conservative Treehouse is to be the premier assembly of freedom loving people. The old axiom where someone yells, “ look over there folks, shiny things “… as a process of distraction, is entirely apropos of how corporations that are running our current election systems are using the Trump -v- DeSantis discussion; with the backdrop of the 2022 midterm election as context. Dave Rubin is one of the best interviewers around. The bureaucrats are in charge. Noted by Alex Berenson, something very weird is happening in the state of Western Australia (WA) home to a population of almost 3 million people. You have bested everyone in the media business, including right-wing media. [Article Here – VIDEO Below]The basic premise of the proposal is for a global COVIDPass that will be universally accepted permitting vaccinated people to travel. The receipts Englebrecht and True The Vote have gathered are the primary evidence in an explosive documentary that is going to be. July 17, 2023 | Sundance | 121 Comments. ”. January 23, 2023 | sundance | 233 Comments. the election was stolen,” said one Republican senator who requested anonymity to talk about the growing popularity of conservative conspiracy theories at home. Within the segment Carlson calls out the current Biden officials who have known about Biden’s age-based impairments and yet ignored the issues in their lust for power. S. Everyone knows the Big Club is stressed about the inability of Ron DeSantis to launch a successful campaign. The work done by Englebrecht formed the basis for a documentary by Dinesh D’Souza that outlines the 2020 election fraud and how it was done using ballot. I am ONE Hour into listening to the Three-Hour broadcast that Elon Musk joined tonight {YouTube Here}, and the amount of cognitive dissonance and circular discussion is off the proverbial charts. To understand the intelligence branch we need to drop the elementary. Hill is considered one of the world’s preeminent experts, and it was because of his specific skillset that in October of 2020, Dr. Perot Conservative on July 21st – 2023 Presidential Politics – Resistance Day 913; Recent Posts. 2024 is going to be the election season when we see this corporate battle explode inside in the Republican group. Or is there?7:27 PM · Jun 2, 2022. President Trump appears with Maria Bartiromo for a lengthy discussion about the current state of politics. And lead us not into temptation, but DELIVER US FROM EVIL. In this interview { Direct Rumble Link } Jeff Clark gives his opinion of the statutory weaknesses that exist in the case as outlined in the indictment. During our previous discussion on historic, predictable and purposeful food inflation, on August 13th CTH noted “BigAg has likely already made deals for increases in government welfare payments (EBT and Foodstamps, WIC etc. Reply. Decades of entrenched power are at stake, and there has been. […] Republican senators say they are alarmed at how many Republicans, including those with higher levels of education and income,. Democraps have been generating their own political puff pieces since at least when I was born over 70 years ago. Explains a lot & raises many more questions. The January 6th Commission demanded all his documented communication with President Trump and anything that might be related to the. ” Within hours, various airlines began. ’ – Sundance. In Part Two we outlined the specifics of how President Trump was targeted by political operatives using tools created by the DC system {}. Ideologically, think of John Thune as the mirror image of Gavin Newsom. Cruiser May 17, 2023 9:55 pm Sigh…you’re right. from Covid. July 16, 2022 | Sundance | 708 Comments. Approximately three years ago New Zealand’s smiley-faced Fascist Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, replaced Angela Merkel as the female messiah to the global progressive movement. Scott May 17, 2023 2:11 pm. . Submitted by Linda Wood on Wed, 11/06/2019 - 2:24pm. February 7, 2022 | Sundance | 699 Comments Good grief, when the leftist government in Canada gets pushback, they really don’t know how to handle it. 20 per donor. On May 5th, Fox News host Tucker Carlson interviewed Catherine Englebrecht from True the Vote (TTV) and discussed a massive ballot harvesting scheme in the 2020 election. 9 million. Former congressman Trey Gowdy appears with Maria Bartiromo to discuss the issues surrounding the non-indictment of Andrew McCabe for lying to DOJ-OIG investigators about his leaks to the media. However, in response, the IRS whistleblower is. To that end we commit to: (1) The highest standard of stewardship for our fellowship. Davis nails everything in that first three minutes, including the background. April 19, 2022 9:51 am. Please don’t assume that we will know why you send a link; even if you. The Moderna and Pfizer vaccine tests were conducted, as customary, with a control group; a group within the trial who were given a placebo and not the test vaccine. Each time he outlines something that leans toward Ukraine needing […]In 2018 the Department of Justice Office of Inspector General (DOJ-OIG) highlighted numerous FBI officials who accepted bribes from multiple media outlets including: “tickets to sporting events”, “golf outings”, “drinks and meals” as well as exclusive invitations and admission to “nonpublic social events” {}. {Direct Rumble Link} Within the interview both domestic and foreign policy issues are discussed as well as Trump’s perspectives on the candidates contesting to win the GOP nomination. S. Everything about Arden, including her worldviews on politics, is carefully controlled and scripted for public display {Go Deep}. Effective solutions require brutally accurate understanding. The Conservative Treehouse gets a rating of 30/100 due to publishing false information and unsubstantiated conspiracy theories on numerous topics:. In the lead-up to the critical 2018 mid-term elections, President Trump’s political opposition needed a control mechanism in order to remove him from office and support the impeachment path. ” The subcommittee will fall under the jurisdiction of the House Judiciary Committee led by Chairman Jim Jordan. Watching heads explode over Trump’s “DeSantimonious. Neil Oliver goes there, directly to the epicenter of “build back better. The judge assigned to the Trump documents case is U. This battle is about Republican Party control and the use of Ron DeSantis by the club members who refuse to let go of power. July 6, 2021 | Sundance | 688 Comments In a remarkable display of how committed the Democrat party is to utilizing the narrative of domestic extremism for their own benefit, Nancy Pelosi is placing satellite field offices for the DC Capitol Police in key regions around the country. A promotional video from the Canadian Bankers Association. DHS gets domestic surveillance tools under the guise of ‘national security’. Less than 12 hours after his weird comments, yesterday the New York Times released a devastating article finally admitting. July 17, 2023 | Sundance | 226 Comments Former Ted Cruz campaign manager Jeff Roe is guy who told the Iowa caucus team in 2016 to tell the voters that Dr. The fifth installment of the Twitter Files release drops today courtesy of Ms. June 14, 2021 | Sundance | 416 Comments I give this report from the audit in Maricopa County, Arizona, a little more weight for two reasons: First, Patrick Howley is generally accurate in his reporting by disposition; and second, the source of the information is on record, not anonymous. Purchasing advertising in the national market. If you try to get into the weeds you will be lost because your insight will be lacking. Sundance also needs to walk the talk and rearrange all social media links in alphabetical order. This relationship makes the U. Musk owns the software. June 22, 2021 | Sundance | 215 Comments. Twice previously, DeSantis has tried to walk the tightrope and navigate his lies surrounding the Ukraine war. Reply. Comrade citizens, after success with the Ministry of Information controlling efforts surrounding the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic and public health vaccinations, The Division of Correct Thinking has announced they will also not tolerate any information against their war efforts in Ukraine. February 23, 2022 | Sundance | 895 Comments Has there been a massive exodus of capital out of the Canadian financial system? A few obscure but interesting data-points seem to indicate Justin Trudeau’s unprecedented use of the federal government and intelligence apparatus to target the bank accounts of Canadian citizens has just created a. In the interim, please accept this reminder with the expressed intent. Not only does Mr. Thy kingdom come. ” 1908, Edith Wharton. Another significant filing by John Durham’s special counsel team to the court was made last night. Last thought…without changes to the election laws prohibiting all of the current Uni-Party vote stealing schemes, including, what did Sundance call it, uh, oh yeah, “Ballot Submission Assistance” which ain’t gonna happen, it doesn’t matter who the Republican Presidential nominee is in 2024 or ANY future Congressional and/or. Content Curation For Newbies: 3 Easy Steps To Build Your Content Strategy“I’m a firm believer in the notion that editorial judgment augments automated search. Judge Cannon was the judge who appointed the “special master” to […]January 8, 2022 | Sundance | 297 Comments. June 27, 2023 | Sundance | 528 Comments Repost Due to Current Media Cycle News The Ring of Truth – “I am too well accustomed to the taking of evidence not to detect the ring of truth. the gov’t’s priority is the production of ethanol, a corn based energy source. With humble appreciation and the warmest of regards,. July 15, 2023 | Sundance | 359 Comments. This is a must watch . Within this dynamic Mitch McConnell is the mirror image of Harry Reid. Farmers in North. Thankfully Sundance picked up on the critical part of it and has spread the message. (2) Being intolerant of hate and division. And thank you Sundance for bringing it to the Treehouse. Its a mish mash operation for onw world governmental type agencies (Davos and WEF) and with a strong alliance to extreme big money interests (Multi-Nationals & Banking Institutions) and Military/Intel. The State Department. They had a conservative PM but now the left is fully in control makes you wonder if the new regime. The new marketing and branding group behind Florida Governor Ron DeSantis purchase ad time on Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity broadcasts. by Sundance, Conservative Treehouse, November 11, 2022 President Trump can see and hear the same things everyone else can see and hear, including the coordinated media and GOPe effort to. Smith is not ready to go to trial, and was planning on challenges to delay the trial until he was. They are not opposites, they are mirrored – a big. The Conservative Treehouse needs to do a deep dive and expose humanities ULTIMATE enemy. Last edited 2 months ago by theAnonymousOne. Team-One (State Dept, CIA, Intel Community) continue to pummel Team-Two (Biden, WH, Pentagon, NSC) with leaks to media. CTH has said for a year the Achilles heel Ron DeSantis carries, the weak spot that outlines his neocon nature, becomes extremely visible on the subject of Ukraine. So Tucker aired it so we would know. February 23, 2022 | Sundance | 520 Comments In the bigger picture, the Canadian banking and financial system was hit hard by the deployment of the Emergency Act which highlighted the ability of the. Things are getting spicy in/around Main Justice in DC. The topline story from the announcement by JPMorgan Chase [] there are no banking rules/laws in the Biden Fed/Treasury system. Whoops. The memorandum is written by an attorney, and focuses both on fairly setting. Shortages of oil, coal and natural gas are self-inflicted problems, all part of the BBB agenda. If I were placing bets, I’d agree with Sundance DHS is allowing some sunshine on Twitter’s past for a purpose. In Part Three we outlined how and why President Trump was blocked from releasing documents {}. “Turning to income levels, Trump leads with all except for those. The UP railroad has been mandated it’s prioritization carrying corn over fertilizer by the US Gov’t. In a Twitter video today, pushed by Buzzfeed Journalist Christopher Miller {}, the claim is, “President Zelensky walked to a hospital today to visit wounded Ukrainian soldiers and award them with state honors for their sacrifices. By Jan. September 15, 2022 | Sundance | 182 Comments Deep inside the legislative language of the falsely titled “inflation reduction act”, aka The Green New Deal legislative vehicle constructed by lobbyists and. Pictured above is a snap shot of the the face of SES – Obama’s stay-behind army that is destroying America from inside, while the gifted and talented reporter and writer SUNDANCE at Conservative Treehouse, who has provided great reporting on the swamp over the years, stays silent on who they are and how they are connected to the Queen’s. S. However, during the trial -and after the untested vaccines were given emergency […]E-Mail Guidelines. 6. right? Of course you do. If we split the difference and take the mid-point at 140 million workers, then 60 million workers refusing the vaccine mandate represents about 40 percent of the entire population of eligible workers. tlhoward April 7, 2022 12:26 am. Everyone knows the Big Club is stressed about the inability of Ron DeSantis to launch a successful campaign. (1) When they say inflation will "spike" or increase this year, and then "come back down next year", what they are saying is the price will skyrocket. Here in Part 4, we begin to assemble. Today, the United States government is proud to announce the first ever emergency food shipments from international relief agencies to help feed American citizens. May 26th – 2022 Presidential Politics – Resistance Day 492. ”. Please use this thread to post anything relating to the JoeBama Administration and Presidency. Give us this day our daily bread. You wrote: “ However, after the NSA alerts in/around March 9th, 2016, and particularly after the April 18th shutdown of contractor access, the Clinton Team and DOJ/FBI needed Fusion GPS to create a legal albeit ex post facto justification for the pre-existing surveillance and. President Trump can see and hear the same things everyone else can see and hear, including the coordinated media and GOPe effort to diminish him and the MAGA movement within the Republican club. Conservative Tree House is the most honest and detailed informative News. July 17, 2023 | Sundance | 677 Comments. Without your help this little corner of the research and discussion internet just could not exist. These same media personalities claim they are credible, and viciously attack anyone who points out their lies. Sometimes you just have to wait for the evidence you know exists to surface, or for a situation to unfold that is driven by a self. Share your videos with friends, family, and the worldAs Sundance’s excellent post pointed out, Smith expected a time-consuming challenge and got caught off-guard. According to a released article in Time Magazine, Twitter employees have drafted a letter containing several ‘demands. As the Disney corporation publicly says they will “work as a company” to advance gender sexualization for young children in Florida elementary schools, one of the top Disney executives explains why. Action Alert – ODNI Release of FISA Court Review Reveals Alarming Disconnect That Must Be Discussed Before FISA-702 Reauthorization (7/23/2023) There is a major issue within the use of the FISA-702 authority that must be immediately understood. 10. April 17, 2022 | sundance | 464 Comments. Sundance at Conservative Treehouse examines two explosive developments. Thank you to all readers and members of the Conservative Treehouse fellowship for your continued support. The White House stated that OSHA would, “develop a rule that will require all employers with 100 or more employees to ensure their workforce is fully vaccinated. U. This little-known, quasi legislatively authorized, Eric Holder weaponized, silo inside the justice system operates to control information that would be deemed ‘adverse to the peace and. March 9, 2022 | Sundance | 466 Comments. Two essays today,. A twitter thread shared by Brad Geyer relays a letter presented by a jailed J6 detainee held inside the Washington DC Department of Corrections. When your entire brand is based on judgement and. Long-time readers of CTH research will remember a very specific agency inside government, the Dept of Justice Community Relations Service (DOJ-CRS). Please see the linked 30-odd page memorandum discussing the Mar-a-Lago raid. In a previous liable lawsuit by Alfa Bank against Fusion GPS, the Russian. Well, well, well… This is interesting. ” Compare that statement to, “you will own nothing and. There are very few COVID cases in locked down Western Australia, which has allowed them time. Essentially, the background issues are what were discussed earlier. that the government’s looking for,” retail expert Bruce Winder told CTV News Channel on Saturday when asked if the effort will encourage truckers to get vaccinated. The WA state has been locked down and isolated from the COVID-19 impacts in the eastern states. The U. October 16, 2021 | Sundance | 460 Comments This is a follow-up to the original explanation of the epicenter of the supply chain backlog issue, ie “ The Clog “. Mike Pence and Asa Hutchinson are being funded by the billionaire class in the 2024 race for the same reason, camp out in Iowa and try to suck up the votes from the Iowa evangelical community. Additionally, as a result of. Candice Bergen, interim leader of the Conservative Party, just gave a speech in the House of Commons today asking the truckers to remove all the blockades at the border “for the sake of the economy. Both George W Bush and Barack H Obama have scheduled conferences to highlight concerns over disinformation in the wake of the U. The allegations within the letter are alarming; however, they are supported by other […]July 10, 2023 | Sundance | 449 Comments Beyond the big picture of the Biden justice department filing a criminal indictment against the man who provided the FBI with evidence of Joe and Hunter Biden’s corrupt dealings with the FBI, is the secondary point of the Biden DOJ once again using FARA violations as the tip of the spear against.